The dungeon of the black company manga kissmanga
The dungeon of the black company manga kissmanga

the dungeon of the black company manga kissmanga

Her drawings end up coming to life and running/crawling/slithering away, prompting Chiyo to try to catch them before Yuu notices. Art Initiates Life: In one chapter while Yuu is doing his summer schoolwork, Chiyo passes the time practicing writing and drawing.Arcadia: The story takes place in a very tranquil rural setting.Chiyo can only roll her eyes at the idea that Haru would think this is necessary in her presence. Angry Guard Dog: Haru inserts herself into the role of guard dog when she moves in after Ryou regains his senses.Always a Bigger Fish: Haru makes short work of a malevolent Yōkai threatening Yuu in chapter 21 but Chiyo in turn quickly proves the stray dog is batting way, way out of her league toying with someone under the protection of Shub-Niggurath.Ryou having this explained to him directly (meaning that even if Yuu didn't accidentally steal his wish, he still wouldn't have been able to see Yuu's mother again) is what makes him stop being outright antagonistic to the boy, resuming his original stance of simply disliking Yuu's Family Eye Resemblance to his mother. All Deaths Final: Both Chiyo and Haru have stated at different points that, while they may be Eldritch Abominations with incredible powers, Chiyo herself being in essence a goddess, the one thing they are completely incapable of doing, even when it's something they deeply, desperately want to, is bring people back from the dead.Given Haru's example, it's heavily implied that even when she's at her most monstrous, this is also true of Chiyo, with her Humanoid Abomination appearance being the result of taking on a form similar to a human she knew in the distant past, in a conscious effort to avoid breaking the mind of whoever might summon her.Haru first shows herself to Ryou as a genuine, bonafide Eldritch Abomination of undulating tentacles, random organs and jagged teeth, before taking on her current appearance in order to allow him to retain his sanity and appeal to him in the form of the dead cousin he was in love with.His uncle Ryou was probably the kindest by simply ignoring him. His maternal aunt even slapped him and blamed his parents' deaths on him during their funeral.

the dungeon of the black company manga kissmanga

However, since their death, he has been passed around from household to household by resentful relatives who bad-mouth him behind his back but within earshot. Abusive Parents: Yuu's memories of his parents are of their kindness and love.Absurd Cutting Power: In the second chapter, Chiyo forms a knife from her hair-tentacles and comically slices through the cutting board.

The dungeon of the black company manga kissmanga